Sex from the perspective of God

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    Sex was created by God for the satisfaction, enjoyment and reproduction. First of all, he wanted the people enjoyed sex. Otherwise, why would he created our sexual organs sensitive?
    Enjoyment is not a sin, the sin of lust and selfishness.
Is not a sin to have sex with his wife, or husband and have fun.
Sin corrupting minors, having sex outside of marriage, to destroy other people's families, infect other diseases and parasites to pass, devils and demons in a close relationship with partners outside of marriage.
     Pure sex in a single, and legally married, with one partner, improves immunity and enhances protection against parasites. Pure natural sex - sex is the first and only legally married.
         Many divorced several times and continue to look for love and respect in the next family. It is not possible! Only God has blessed your first marriage, and if you are divorced it is a sin. Written when a man divorces his wife, he gives her to commit adultery. It is written, "who married a divorced woman commits adultery with her." Divorced - have sinned, he married again, divorced sin and live with her in sin of fornication. You can not be the Bride of Christ. So, do not go to Heaven. How sad not to talk about it.
   On marriage, the priesthood of all clear? About divorce and subsequent marriages, too, all figured out. The only sex is blessed by God in the first sex and marriage. Now let's talk and find out what the Bible calls unnatural sex.
      So, the first people invented a sin, and thus chose whom you will serve - God or sin, who have to communicate with satan or God the Father, who obey God, or the fallen angel Lucifer and his retinue of devils and demons. They chose to sin and the curse has come for the whole human race. "Cursed is the ground for you," God said to Adam. We are all born into sin and the curse of our ancestors, why Jesus came, that would bring us back to God the Father, and to give us a blessing.
     What does not bless God
     Sex between same-sex couples an abomination in the eyes of the Lord. Thus says the Holy Scripture. It's unnatural sex fantasy of Satan, distortions. Why God has forbidden, for example, eating pork? Because we do not have pork and all the poisons, toxins remain inside, just because it would keep a large amount of cholesterol and feeds primarily on waste and, therefore, infected with parasites. God created this animal, and knows that it is impossible to it as "forbidden fruit." And if God forbade that - that is, forbade us for good. In the same way and unnatural sex. God created us and knows that this sex can be infected with parasites disrupt the natural functions and harm, and therefore forbade the fact that we are not going to benefit. We are also good. Devils and demons are closely monitoring people during sex and if there is a violation of the rules of God, the demons are inside and take up residence in human nature - in spirit, in soul and body. Occupying the mind and paralyze the will. Why is it so hard drug addicts give up drugs? Because the evil spirits went inside and suppress the will of man, imposing his will to destroy.
  Sex with children is not only unnatural but also crime, because destroyed the psyche of the child and the demons are inside the child, torturing him and suppressing his will for life.
   Sex with animals is crazy and these people will inevitably become infected not only parasites, diseases, but they themselves are like animals, because the demons enter the body and the soul of man, and he can not resist them. His will is paralyzed. In a word - servant of Satan.
   Sex with relatives is a sin that carries with it not only a curse on those who do it, but for future generations.
    Self-satisfaction is also a sin and has its consequences. People will then satisfy themselves with the struggle to get satisfaction with your partner .. Often, any attempt to establish his personal life ends parting, because an evil spirit controls the mind of women and destroys all the good relationship with a man. Men are also affected by the evil spirit of masturbation can live in the family, but their minds as it is controlled by a demon, they have no free will, are able to commit adultery, do not get full satisfaction in sex with a woman in the family feel misunderstood and alone. Therefore, in search of love on the side.
         Very few families, really, happy and free. Most often you can see betrayal, divorce, strife, anger, resentment, do not trust, rejection and no understanding of the family. And this is a consequence of the curse of Adam and Eve, as well as demons, people living in and controlling their mind and body.
       Treason partner (husband or wife) is called adultery, and walk from partner to partner is called fornication. As you can see both a sin in God's eyes, only the names are different. But the essence is the same - the exchange of parasites, devils and demons, the destruction of the human person, violations of human dignity, the war with God's laws and the demands of living on planet Earth. Do you need to save your soul! You need Jesus! Train sin - the sanctity of the death - life is still standing on the platform. The doors are still open, and you might even have time to sit in the train. Make haste to come to terms with God!

Prayer of Salvation:

If you do not know Jesus Christ as their
Lord and Savior and if you're not sure what your name is written in the book of life and your soul goes to heaven, pray aloud from the heart with me:

"Heavenly Father, I come to You in repentance and ask forgiveness for all my sins. I believe that Jesus Christ died for me personally, and rose to my defense! Jesus, Come into my heart, be my Lord and Savior! I renounce all sin, and that gives me the devil in the name of Jesus Christ. And dedicate his life to God. Change me, my life, my heart. Help me to walk in thy way leading to Heaven. I ask to write my name in the book of life in heaven, and from that day on, I thy child. Thank You for forgiving my sins and wrote my name in the book of life. Father, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen ".