Кенн Несбитт. Франкенштейн ребёнком был

Нина Пьянкова
Франкенштейн ребёнком был,
Очень овощи любил.
Обожал укроп, шпинат,
Спаржу, брокколи, салат.
Сельдерей, петрушку ел,
Постепенно зеленел.

Он жевал капусту, лук,
Сладкий перец и латук.
Съел фасолевый стручок,
С головы до самых ног
Стал зелёный - и сейчас
Он наводит страх на вас.

Франкенштейна очень жаль,
Стих навеял нам печаль.
Ел бы меньше овощей,
Не хлебал зелёных щей,
Не лущил горох с полей,
Стих звучал бы веселей.

Мама, папа,  мой совет:
Прежде, чем начать обед,
Уберите со стола
Зелень, вот и все дела.
Франкенштейн - пример другим,
Не хочу я быть таким.

When Frankenstein Was Just a Kid
--Kenn Nesbitt

When Frankenstein was just a kid,
he ate his greens. It's true. He did!
He ate his spinach, salads, peas,
asparagus, and foods like these,
and with each leaf and lima bean
his skin became a bit more green.

On chives and chard he loved to chew,
and Brussels sprouts and peppers too,
until he ate that fateful bean
that turned his skin completely green.
He turned all green, and stayed that way,
and now he frightens folks away.

Poor Frankenstein, his tale is sad,
but things need not have been so bad.
It's fair to say, if only he
had eaten much less,
avoided cabbage, ate no kale,
why, then, we'd have a different tale.

So, mom and dad, I'm here to say
please take these vegetables away
or my fate could be just as grim.
Yes, I could end up green like him.
So, mom and dad, before we dine,
please give a thought to Frankenstein.