Dean Martin

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June 7th – Dean Martin’s birthday.  In 2012 he would have turned 95 years old.

Dean Martin was a super famous actor, comedian, singer, motion picture star.
He’s everywhere - clubs, television, stage and films while being his own PR.
Dean’s courage, energy, ambitions and versatility were boundless, unending.
He was a worldwide legend true to himself who did not have to be pretending.

Martin was very fortunate to work with Brando, Davis, Sinatra, Lewis and Clift.
Affiliation had inevitably led him to his stardom, popularity, career boost or shift.
First he was known as a singer for his voice, which was deep, sensual and warm.
The audience loved and adored him when he came on stage to masterfully perform.

Dean was persistent and consistent in fulfilling multiple dreams, talents, potential.
He had succeeded in his venues, as his visibility expanded making him a sensation.
Martin was handsome, gifted, affable, goal oriented, driven, sharp and innovative.
He paid attention to what was happening in show business, in which he’s active.

From singing Dean had gradually exposed, expanded himself to acting in films.
While being natural in comic roles, he utilized, impressed with his dramatic skills.
He had exuded unique aura, possessed some sort of mystery, having his own flavor.
Dean as a person was upbeat, adventurous, quick witted, passionate and clever.

June Seventh is Dean Martin’s or Dino Martini’s birthday, which we remember still -
Bo Gillis, Bama Dillert, Jamie Blake, Sam Harmon, Vernon Demerest and Jason Steel.
Dean’s spectrum of artistic talents, skills, ideas, dreams and magnetic individuality
Have been imprinted and dissolved in time and infinite dimension, becoming rarity.

Copyright©2012 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet