Б. Пастернак, Зимняя ночь, English

Вячеслав Четин
Личная оценка: 5-\5

Snowed far and wide about the plane.
Snow clouded, whirling.
A candle's burning on the table.
A candle. Burning.

The flakes were messing outside
By window's framing
As if they were a swarm of flies
Allured by a flame glint.

The snow was shaping whorls and blades
Upon glass surface.
A candle's burning on the table.
A candle. Burning.

And shadows slowly played against
The lit up ceiling –
Entangled  arms, entangled legs,
Entangled being.

Two shoes fell slipping slowly down
With muffled rattle.
Wax tears were dropping on the gown,
Down from the candle.

All waned away in snowy haze,
Now grey, now hoary.
A candle's burning on the table.
A candle. Burning.

The draft was swaying flame away.
The heat of coaxes
Was raising in an angel way
Two pinions, crosswise.

It snowed each February day
With always there being
A candle, burning on the table.
A candle. Burning.


Мело, мело по всей земле
Во все пределы.
Свеча горела на столе,
Свеча горела.

Как летом роем мошкара
Летит на пламя,
Слетались хлопья со двора
К оконной раме.

Метель лепила на стекле
Кружки и стрелы.
Свеча горела на столе,
Свеча горела.

На озаренный потолок
Ложились тени,
Скрещенья рук, скрещенья ног,
Судьбы скрещенья.

И падали два башмачка
Со стуком на пол.
И воск слезами с ночника
На платье капал.

И все терялось в снежной мгле
Седой и белой.
Свеча горела на столе,
Свеча горела.

На свечку дуло из угла,
И жар соблазна
Вздымал, как ангел, два крыла

Мело весь месяц в феврале,
И то и дело
Свеча горела на столе,
Свеча горела.