I m Gonna Rock You

Егор Карпов
1. My father was a farmer in a far country land,
But me, his son, didn't let out a guitar from my hand,
So father became angry and I had to leave home,
The only thing I've taken was guitar, my own.

I haven't eaten anything for more than six days
When somebody gave me bread to bring outta my case
Then to fill the stomach with some tasty thing
I took my guitar and began to sing:

I'm gonna rock you,
Whenever you dream
About the piece,
The war has come,
Disbeliefs entangle you,
The fear's with you all around

And there is no sound
You wanna me be shocked,

I'm gonna rock you,
I'm goin' to rock. *3

2. One day I was noticed by a famous man,
He offered me a wonder - to play in his band,
I began to play in company but not alone,
The only thing I hadn't leave was guitar, my own.

The years have passed with working on the glorious plans
My mind and heart united reaching top with the sence
And now I'm famous and from the scene
Rending the air of the hall I sing:
