A cup of cappuccino

Светик Петрова
On sultry evening, somewhere in Rome,
Four million miles far from precious home,
I was sitting at Caffe ciamei alone,
Thinking over his words like soap bubbles blown…

That subtle flame between the two,
Those moments under the stars of love,
Those sexy crimson high heel shoes,
When words and touches weren`t enough.

Those creamy raspberries you fed me with,
A cup of cappuccino under pouring rain,
The longest, soft like velvet kiss,
When from your love I almost feigned.

You kissed me but I asked for more,
Heart beating, vanilla fragrance that you wore,
Sweet aroma of ground coffee with ice-cream,
We danced under the lights flowing and dim…

I blame no one for tearing apart the feeling,
Some years passed but I am still the same,
I`m sitting at Caffe on sultry evening
And waiting for the one with sonorous name.

I never thought you`d come after these years,
I flew to you to kindle love we had,
I was sitting with a cappuccino all in tears,
Thinking over those words you said.

I was nearly about to leave the table
When eyes got stuck to face I used to love,
Cup slipped out of  my hands trembling and unable,
I felt again the words were not enough…
