I ve seen a dream...

Александр Луэллин Гор
I've seen a dream,
Where you and i
Were in some stream
Of wind in sky.

We were along,
We were so close,
The skies beyond.
You were like rose

Of  light for me.
There were no dark.
There were just we,
Between us - spark.

“Will you be mine?”,
With hope I asked.
Your voice like vine
Made bad words masked:

“I’ll not, of course”.
I start to sink.
Strange dream it was.
What do you think?


Я видел сон
Там ты и я
В потоке волн.
Внизу земля.

Одни лишь мы
Мы так близки
В небес тиски.

Ты словно свет
В форме цветка
И тьмы уж нет.
И мне близка.

«Будешь моей?» -
Тебя спросил.
Твой глас – елей,
Но смысл – скосил:

«Конечно, нет».
И я тону.
В чём сна секрет?
Я не пойму.