I never forget you, and I never cry

Михаил Гавриш
You try to find a compromise
I finished the sonata of life, forget or behind
behind my eyes, forget my lessons,
everybody who knows me, all are hates me.

Don't forget a reasons why you love me,
find a new road,and try to forget me,
oh, please kill me, please give me a acute knife,
forget me,and I try to forget your eyes.

When I'm gone?I wanna be alone in the dark,
you like person who see the superstar,
you give you phone number,and drink in bar Mohito.
Who go with me, I wanna get out from city.

I never forget you, and I never cry,
I have a reasons to forget my life,
or forget my love, but I remember all,
my mind in dark, I never dreamed for love.