
Нина Волкова 6-2
The Southeast

The Southeast is a highly populated region of England; there is a lot of industry near the Thames and there are a lot of roads and motorways. Millions of people every year come to the southeastern England to see its attractions. Also in this part of  the UK is one of the world’s busiest airports : Heathrow Airport. 

The Southwest

The Southwest is the region where the main activity is farming.  Here produces a lot of products for England. The Southwest used to be known for its pirates. The romantic past makes it a popular place for  artists, writers and holidaymakers. And the most westerly point of Great Britain “Land’s End” is also in Southwest.

East Anglia

East Anglia is very flat and it is another farming region. It has beautiful cities, such as Cambridge, with fine historic buildings. The part of East Anglia called the Fens consists of miles of flat land with nearly no trees.

The Midlands

Midlands is the industrial part of the UK. The most advanced cities in this area are the Manchester, Sheffield and Liverpool (foundation place of the legendary band The Beatles.) Also in this part of England is the town of Stratford, the birthplace of  the great writer William Shakespeare.

The North of England

The North of England is famous for its scenery. Here you can find deep valleys, rivers and waterfalls. The main attractions of the North Of England are certainly the Lake District. Here comes a lot of international tourists to see the beauty of this place.