Waiter- Will have what he s having...

Симона Пекер
Envy is an ugly feeling
And we see it time and time again
Where one's Blessings are enough to reach the ceiling
But instead, he's crying-"I WANT MORE!"

People of this nature can never be happy
And their life becomes an endless quest
Even when they've ordered what they wanted...
Their eye is on the neighbor's plate, which always seems the best! ))
Перевод с английского на русский -- --Максим Железный http://www.stihi.ru/avtor/mayor2

Нет у зависти пределов,
Видели пример тому:
Ненасытность – это мера
Недоступная уму.

У таких людей со зреньем
И со счастием – беда:
Вечно в миске у соседа
Кажется вкусней еда!