A man and the Lord

Иветта Михайловская
Христианская притча "Следы на песке"

There was a man to cope with life,               
there was wet sand to keep footprints.               
It was the Lord to guard the man
and make dry sand resist the winds.

Their connection was divine.
The Lord was always nearby
to keep, to save, to love the man,
but not to let him ever die.

There always were two sets of prints,-
the man's and God's in joy and wealth.
The waves could hardly wash them down
into the sea above the shelf.

But once the trial was so hard,
so that the man could not then see
God's footprints on the sunny sand
on their beach along the sea.

The man was sad and asked the Lord
if he had left his darling son.
"It was just me to carry you
right in my arms, I'd never gone.

The trouble's worse - I love you more.
You won't make me someway betray.
I am the first for you to pray.
I'll be the last with you to stay."

If you just want and ever need
to find God's signs on magic earth, -
a man himself is God’s footprint -
in every breath from very birth…
