How to write a poem...

Алена Лемстрем
How to write a poem?
Believe me, it is very easy.
You need just a piece of a paper,
A pencil or maybe a pen.

Create the clear idea
What you are writing about
And what you would like with your poem
To tell other people and friends.

Imagine that your heart is beating
Expressing what you are feeling...
The stronger are your emotions
The better the poem will be.

Allow your own pencil
To glide on the paper quickly
Writing down your thinkings,
Impressions and so on.

Check everything you've written
Being for yourself a strict critic,
Play with the words, throw them out,
And keep just the best for the sense.

Then rewrite all your poem,
Hide it away for a year,
And if afterward you still like it,
It probably will be good.

How to write a poem?
I'm sorry, it's not so easy.
However if someone will enjoy it,
In that case it makes some sense.