Emulation of Marfinka ЖЖ and A. Barto

*(У меня в кармане гвоздь. А у вас?)
Gewalt!!  The danger of relying on one's memory!  The correct is S. Mikhalkov.

-- We are having flames from skies.  Are you  too?
-- Christ, indeed, is soon to rise.  You say it too?
-- Our Obama got a rebuff,
He had spent the previous evening
Haggling terms with Nasralla.
Zilch was the only his achievement –-
Nasralla was bloody tough.
-- We were marching in protest.  Were you too?    
-- No, we watched a cricket test.  Did you too?
-- Our local supermarket has on sale some chicken breast!
-- Along the Wall Street  we were strolling, it was fun!,
Every policeman present there was armed with a gun!
There was a crowd, Mama Mia!
Loaded we were into a Black Maria
Tightly, like in a herring can!

-- Our light fuse has burst, that is the first!
Our tap water is blocked, it is true, that is the two! 
On the Victory Day, Dad gathers,
They will “give” some strange fish roes,
It is because our grandfathers 
Had beaten the hell out of our foes!

Woods were chopped down with no disguise!
Christ, indeed, indeed, did rise!

А у нас Огонь с небес. А у вас?
А у нас Христос воскрес. А у вас?
А у нас вчера Обама торговался с Насраллой,
Ничего не получилось, Насралла ужасно злой.

А у нас протестный марш. А у вас?
А на нас рисуют шарж. А у вас?
А у нас в Весёлой башне добывают нежный фарш.
Мы гуляли по Болотной,
Мы смотрели на людей.
Нас набили очень плотно
В автозаки, как сельдей.

А у нас огонь погас. Это раз.
И вода идёт едва. Это два.
Но зато на День Победы
В богадельне будет плов,
Потому что наши деды
Победили всех врагов.

А у нас срубили лес.
А у нас Христос воскрес.