Love Story Old Haiku Collection

Евгения Саркисьянц

I once touched the sun
It didn't look very hot
Through my sunglasses

The breathtaking speed
Made me forget I was your
Random passenger

Three mirrors reflect
One, you; two, me; three, nothing;
The magic of three

Sunny veranda
I know you couldn't care less
The last warm morning


Smell void in the air
Walking through the beautiful 
Colors of decay

Look through the wine glass
At the flickering candle
Smile brokenhearted

Use a search engine
Google up “a wounded dream”
Check out all the hits

Bury dreams in snow
Winter will last forever
No grave is safer


Creaking back and forth
Rusty gate in the desert
Dry wind blowing through

Cold dullness of dusk
Vague contours in the dim air
No daylight to save

What is poetry?
Inferior substitute
For being with you

Feel me through my words
Their trembling butterfly wings
Are my only clothes


Words make me feel good
From their letters I can build
Pieces of your name

Bringing fresh flowers
To the tombstone of my dream
Always makes me smile

New leaves are coming
Old leaves still cover the ground
How strange to see both

On a late night train,
I'll be loving you until
Terminal station.