Crazy World!

Äìèòðèé Æóêîâ 6
Though not much know of this world
I gently value knowledge that I have.
Through patience and extensive training
My spirit and my body will become as one!
I’ll come to understand the sacred meaning
Of those many secrets that the world keeps hiding
From the rest, who choose to go paths of the blind.
I’m not alone. I’m not alone at all! I know this for sure.
Though it is always gone alone and never will be calm,
This path has to be beaten on my own.

Not much I know of this world,
But precious is the knowledge that I have.
With every bit of knowledge I revive,
With every learning that I’m given, I’ll come to life.
I’ve tasted pain and sorrow of the path I’ve chosen.
Yet knowledge is obsession I must get and have
For everything I wish to have is my true self.

My mind is full of dreams and thoughts.
I’m seeking liberation! And as I do,
I’m going mad with every crazy dream
To free myself from jealousy to those I see free.

Insanity is that of wheel of hellish car I drive,
But I have left my license. And the cars behind
Announce of new era and prophecy of things to come.
This crazy world is made to change us – not enslave!
With every sunrise we’re given plenty of these chances.
Among them all is that of choice to change myself
And to improve this crazy place I’m calling a shell.