a huge chasm between you and me

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I know all your thoughts, I can read them
I know that every day you spying on me
I feel your desire, but I'm not ready to share with you your passion
But if you suddenly find yourself in an uninhabited desert
Can you be stronger than me and longer than I?
Where will all your power and strength if you stay alone with Mother Nature?
This is the main difference between you and me.
I can be a part of nature, but you cannot!
You're just a part of the human  that always be corruptible
But me!. I'm part of the universe, so I will be live forever
Because my thoughts are endless as like an universe
And all your thoughts so short as like a human life
you think about  temporarily things
But I think about the eternal..
Between the temporal and the eternal the abyss is located
This is  a huge chasm between you and me