Ульянов Сергей
As Stone Yellow  Rose
As Stone Gold  Rose
As Tower Yellow Rose
As Tower Gold Rose

As Stone Yellow Gold Rose
As Stone Gold  Yellow Rose
As Tower Yellow Gold Rose
As Tower Gold Yellow Rose

As Stone As Yellow Gold Rose
As Stone As Gold  Yellow Rose
As Tower As Yellow Gold Rose
As Tower As Gold Yellow Rose

The Stone As Yellow Gold Rose
The  Stone As Gold  Yellow Rose
The Tower As Yellow Gold Rose
The Tower As Gold Yellow Rose

Stone As Yellow Gold Rose
Stone As Gold  Yellow Rose
Tower As Yellow Gold Rose
Tower As Gold Yellow Rose

The Thorns As Guns
The Thorns As Cannon
Them Thorns As Guns
Them Thorns As Cannon

Thorns As Guns
Thorns As Cannon
Thorns As Guns
Thorns As Cannon