Twelve Quays

Альбина Кумирова
The road stretches uninspiring -
it looks monotonous and dull,
as if the life is conspiring
to stop me feeling it in full.

This bleak and hollow urban area
is deadening, I must confess,
with walls and chimneys overbearing
that claustrophobically oppress.

And suddenly the space is broken –
it ripples into sparkly waves,
like promise or a little token,
like flowers above the graves.

But what is life if not heading
Through mazes dreary and walled,
Retaining hope with its steady
Pace to what future for us holds?

What is it if not crossing bridges,
to press ahead towards the goal,
towards unknown, to the riches
that make complete a searching soul?

7 September 2010 - 30 December 2011