Bebe Neuwirth

Мила Альпер
December 31st - Bebe Neuwirth’ birthday.

Bebe Neuwirth is talented in acting, singing and dancing,
Who constantly strives for more, evolving & advancing.
Neuwirth has gained acclaim & recognition on television.
She’s also a gifted & skilled stage actress and musician.

Starting her passion in ballet, Bebe has moved to acting.
She has a talent of engaging her audience & enchanting.
Neuwirth manifests a driven and enthusiastic personality.
Distinctive, bright, expressive is her artistic individuality.

Bebe possesses a comedic & dramatic talent, versatility.
She loves and commits to acting, showing her nobility.
Playing in Frasier, Tadpole, Chicago and Sweet Charity,
Neuwirth achieved a critical success, praise, popularity.

December 31st - birthday of Bebe Neuwirth, wish all best.
May you enjoy a predetermined creative mission, quest.
Wishing you an abundant happiness, vigor & inspiration!
Thank you for your contribution, talent & determination.

Copyright©2014 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet