Open letter to Mr. in Abame and Ms. Merkel

Михаил Курсеев
I am a simple citizen of the Russian Federation Mikhail Kurseev, me 56 years old, a career officer in the reserve. Before the collapse of the Soviet Union served in Ukraine, so know Ukraine and its people very well. Now I see: what turned this country new policy team Poroshenko, under your guidance, the Lord Abama and Merkel.
In this regard, I would like to address to you, Ms. Merkel and Mr. Abama. Do you not see that there really are or pretend to know nothing? Surely, you do not report your diplomats, intelligence officers, journalists? Really, do you only the information that you gives a team of Poroshenko, and your media get the information only from the mass media controlled by Kiev? If so, your Government's brazen behavior towards Russia as something you can even justify. But then, as you have to drive politicians with political Olympus broom to save peace on Earth, and as quickly as possible, if you do not have reliable information, and work on trust the criminal Nazi regime.
Of course, it's hard to believe that everything you know about the genocide in the South-Eastern part of Ukraine, but your ambition you suffocate and don't let go, you have no soul, no heart, cold mind and unfortunately the politicians of the world level. Do you have a na;kodiv;ie students had done, and admit you are afraid.
Maybe enough to pretend the world public of the innocent, white and fluffy. You're both, like parrots, zau;iv;ie a couple of phrases to say over and over again the same as in everything what is happening in Ukraine blame only Russia. Maybe it's time to put aside their personal ambitions and think about the welfare of ordinary people, your constituents. You all know what is happening in the South-Eastern part of Ukraine, know that you support and the war unleashed by the ruling clique, which came as a result of the coup d ' ;tat in Ukraine. You brought up a monster and revived fascism in Ukraine, the Baltic States. It is you, Ms. Merkel and Mr. Abama, issued an indulgence Poroshenko on impunity for genocide of its own people. You gave him the right to punish the people. He asks and punish that? For the right of people to self-determination? You have deprived the people of the Donbass. For the true desire for democratic change? Are you Patty supported an armed coup. And now those who refused to recognize the coup you Abama and Merkel were allowed to bomb and destroy a number of rounds of fire, burning phosphorus and cluster warheads, shoot the tanks. Eventually razed dozens of villages, cities, the entire infrastructure of Donbass. Killed thousands of people die every day as a result of the shelling, women, children and old people. For you, the people of Donbass is not people, but simply to the separatists?
You understand, Ms. Merkel and Mr. Abama you through their actions have put the world to the brink of disaster? One is not clear: what do you expect? Surely, the history you have not taught me, and once again you openly support the rise of fascism in Europe? Is America in the 20-IES has raised its money Hitler's fascism, and later in alliance with England natravila it to the Soviet Union. Germany has financed the rise to power of the Bolsheviks in 1917 year. It is the people of Russia suffered their greatest power, but even with their mode, the Russian people was able to survive, to get stronger and build a powerful State, which was able to defeat fascism and save Europe by taking the brunt of the second world war.
We never play down and did not deny the role of the allies in the second world, the assistance provided equipment, weapons, food, opening a second front, pribliziv;ego defeat of Nazi troops. In the West, overlooked the fact that Soviet forces defeated the fascist troops under Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk. Liberated most of Europe and have taken Berlin, met with United States troops on the Elbe.
When the Nazi threat hanging over the world, the Governments of Britain and the United States have enough common sense to unite with the Communists in the struggle against fascism, what happens now? Really, Mr. Abama you not ashamed before the fathers and grandfathers who perished on land and in the sea, fighting against the fascist plague, you have betrayed that it was conquered at the cost of millions of lives, and whether you do it? Now do you support Ukraine fascism, will not go into the details of evidence there of his presence, but if you don't know about it, please ask and we will send you as much material and facts that you hair will stand on end.
You accuse Russia of the annexation of the Crimea. First, the Crimea historically Russia was, is and will be, two hundred years of our ancestors shed blood. Secondly, he was stupidly gifted Communist Khrushchev Ukraine, artificially created Republic (your state) in the USSR. We are not to blame when the plot of three drunken men, which divided Union in Crimea were Ukraine. With more than 20 years, Russia pays Ukraine even silently for the lease of the military base in Sevastopol. But after the coup d ' ;tat in Kiev, the people of Crimea held a referendum and was unwilling to submit to Kyiv. So you did on Russia, tell me honestly? Don't tell me, I know. More than 80% of the population of Crimea is Russian, Russia could not leave them to the mercy of the Donbass, dumped by there and see the result. The same thing right now would be in the Crimea. If you are Leslie with its use, where you do not ask, then and now, the world was in the Donbass region, he would be part of the Ukraine. Do not come to power mode the 30s in Kiev, there would be no referendum in Crimea. But the Russians have developed a natural immunity against fascism after World War II for us of the great patriotic war.
Donbass also held a referendum but voted for autonomy within Ukraine, voted once in Kiev announced that only language is Ukrainian, but most of the South-East of Ukraine Russian-languages communities. but Kiev rather than sit down at the negotiating table I loaded tanks and guns, came as Hitler in 41 m fascist bastards.
Russia has no troops there, has not enacted, unfortunately Putin showed himself in this case is not the best. He then Showed firmness, such a war would not have been. He did not use, Mr. Abama and Ms. Merkel, your experience and your example of a similar situation as you showed in Yugoslavia. that it was hard to burn all the tanks and guns, still on the way to the Donets Basin, all their planes at airfields.Because the United States and Europe it's easy to do everywhere: in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia ... Continue the list? But Putin hoped naively on the election of a new President of Ukraine, on what you obrazumite, and what came out? Poroshenko only shouts on its peacekeeping impulse of both Europe and the us on every corner, and in fact has strengthened the military offensive in the Donbass, declared Russia the aggressor has started and continues to provoke it to discredit the militia forces of Donbass and the Russian Federation. None of which has not yet been investigated by the world community.
It is proved that at the independence protesters were shot in the back, a Golden Eagle has been proven and you know that, Mr. Abama that Malaysian Boeing shot down not the militia. There are witnesses, known to the people, you have the satellite pictures, but you hide it even from your people, your media is unable to write the truth. Poroshenko came to Europe with a piece of the bus, who was executed by his orders, and later initiated and removed the firing Grad by Ukrainian troops. It is proved that this is provocation of Poroshenko, but around these provocations has been such a hype, and again accused Russia and the militias to protect their homes, their land, SOI people.
Every day in the Donetsk, Luhansk in the villages and towns killed dozens of women, old people, children, hundreds of wounded and maimed. You, Lord, for this is not know, look frames the daily Chronicles of any Russian TV channel, frames and photo stories, which relieve our correspondents at the cost of their lives. Only people without heart and soul can calmly look at the lawlessness that had there hands of the fascist guard Poroshenko. Hundreds of destroyed houses, factories, mines, the entire infrastructure. All of this in the West know, but are silent. Genocide and murder the inhabitants of Donbass is not considered a crime against humanity, Yes, Mr. Abama?
You accuse Russia of supplying weapons, but, unfortunately, Putin does not do so, otherwise the Ukrainian army would no longer exist. Arming militias Poroshenko through his hval;nnyh heroes of Ukraine. Fighting Fascists in the Southeast, running away, throwing tanks, infantry combat vehicles, castles, weapons warehouses. Sometimes they simply sell arms and ammunition to the militia. All weapons are old, Kharkov plant tanks, none in Russia. In Ukraine, when I served there, had some excellent new tanks t-72, planes, weapons and equipment, but the Ukrainian generals in the late 1990s and sold to third countries. So now, what you give, the Ukraine and will fight the militia against the bombing, when taken away from them. The militia already had weapons of the United States, Poland from the dead mercenaries. When you start the supply of weapons to the Ukraine, may, and Putin has come to its senses and real, not something of humanitarian convoys, assist the Donbass. Although food and other humanitarian assistance, now Suffered more necessary than weapons. But where are you, Lord, why do you not provide humanitarian assistance to the suffering civilian population and continue to fund the criminal regime, funded the war.
Now the main question to you Mr. Abama:-you want to have peace in Ukraine, preserved the territorial integrity? Then take all the samozvanu; gang of Poroshenko scruff and plant at the Hague Tribunal, for each day of his reign, they deserve the death penalty. You have no facts and evidence? Tell me, Russia will introduce them, witnesses will be no less than 30 million. man.
And another question: when you become a serious, worthy of a politician, not a ;kol;rom with pouting ;;kami or spr;tav;im from the truth, ostrich head in sand? Does your personal ambitions above peace throughout the world, that you are waving their soldiers Chase muscles in the Baltic States? With Russia to fight together or so scare? No need to go to war with Russia, Merkel she ask you to explain why. Russia does not want anyone to fight, heard the song, "Russians want war, listen. The Russians do not scare the people and the peoples of Europe, we have experienced not one war, least of all want war. But Russia must not tease, we do not want war, but this is not to say that we are afraid of someone.
It is not clear either, as saying the Russians: Poroshenko you have or you have it? (translate word has-uses) I think you, gentlemen, Poroshenko Abama, Merkel, all of Europe and our's too. I'm sorry, before Putin, but I am in your place Vladimir Vladimirovich never would, as an officer, did not shake hands, Poroshenko, blood soiled my brotherly people.
You personally, Mr. Abama see war only on screen from across the ocean, with a cold indifference, see how dying somewhere your American soldiers. And for what? What do you kale;ite the fate of their people for what they are killing people on the other side of the world. Fight terrorism? Yes you only his and poro;daete themselves. Who created the Taliban, IGIL, Al;kaidu, who and for what? America, Cia. Talk about exclusivity of America, implying in the soul of its own exceptionalism, as Hitler once. Check out footage of 1930s-1940s newsreel, see speech Abamy similar to the speeches of Adolf Hitler. No exceptional countries, all should have equal rights, and the recognition of its own exceptionalism is the first symptom of schizophrenia. Hospitals already Napoleons, but there is still room for exceptional politicians of power-hungry, blood, death. You received the Nobel Peace Prize and has now decided that you are the Messiah? No, you were given an advance, but you have not worked out and shamed. But war is terrible, every child can tell you of the Donbass, teach to hide from the mines and shells. But you're a coward and never personally under the bullets will not go, and why, when you can send back millions of American soldiers removed others?
Mr. Abama, his personal rating rising due to the hysteria of their own people, drawing him to the mythical enemy, not worthy of a great country like America.
You, Mrs Merkel, too, knows everything that is going on in Ukraine know that Russia is not to blame, and you recognize. When GERMANY annexed to East Germany, Russia did not say no to annexation. Recognized Union of brotherly peoples. Crimea is also a native of Russia, with the Russian people. We understand that the GDR a part of Germany, and you have a mind that is not enough to understand the obvious or lesson? Once again, though, was the referendum and the free expression of the will of the people. The referendum is the ultimate power in any State. Squeak a hysterically, just stupid. What is the principle of territorial integrity of you to pieces divided Yugoslavia?
That you do not shout, that Lithuania, Latvia and other republics of the USSR annexed the territory of the Soviet Union. Explain that Abame, can it soothe, and you won't have to chase around Europe set up the puppets against Russia.
For the skeptics who thought that I am under the influence of Putin's major propaganda. No, I used to have their own opinions, information I have enough: there are refugees from the Donbas, I've got a bunch of friends live in Ukraine, in the Crimea. There are even those who believed in the Maidan and believed in aggression, but sobered up and removed his Orange glasses. In school I studied well and history know and remember.
Team Poroshenko advise Putin and kiss ass spread and perednicu for what you still have it, and he durite suffers, but he, too, patience is not limitless. For all breed in the West, successfully doite currency from Abamy and Merkel, rather than sit on the Tribunal.
I sincerely wish the deceived Ukrainian people traitors. Poroshenko and his team will soon obvorovav to the West country, and poverty, strife and pain remain. Will remain destroyed cities, thousands of graves, thousands of widows and orphans. But what about the unfortunate souls who will not Poro;enkovskih. They have no soul and conscience.
Minin and Pozharsky were militias, they have saved Russia in times of turmoil, raised the Russian people to the Holy battle against invaders. I believe that soon all the people of Ukraine will rise under the banners of militia of Novorossiya and the militia will save their holy land and faith without your assistance gentlemen Abama and Merkel.
Prudence WINS madness. God is with us and with us the truth!
Writer-publicist Mikhail Kurseev.

 Translation from Russian to English computer, sorry.