Prince of Barkness

Ронни Фоксова
We've lost the way
In scenic gloamings.
Now we are roaming
In the heart
Of marvellous
Primeval Forest.
Ominous Trees
Are a silent crowd.

We used to take
Amazing photos
Of flowers, mushrooms, birds...
A jest:
A mirage-lake
With a phantom-lotus
Ensnared us to a darkness-nest.

You bark, my Friend,
But no one hears.
Predators hide in thickets. But
A restless torch
Dispels the fears
That tire my mind and boil the blood.

There is a bog,
A devil's quarters.
We are unbidden. But...who knows...
'Cause every log
Appears to slaughter.
Hope you're to cheat, a human nose.

My guiding Dog
Feels spectres' dances,
Forgotten traces,
And cleans the fog
Of growing fusses.
We share a lot, one happy lot.

The way to meed
Is damp and hollow.
A long-expected cup of tea
Inspires the bit of strength to follow
The light of hope,
The warmth of lee.