
Александров Иван Алексеевич
I see every mans life,
While the nature still alive
I'm watching down on the streets
I see how happy all that kids
But that's not for long, not long enough
The hearts will be cold, there will be no love
People wouldn't stop, in work they will dive
There wouldn't be, wouldn't be, wouldn't be love!

Leafs falling down,
Rain cover your face,
Summer gives her crown
To the autumn in dance

I see how people throw their hearts
They are suffocating in autumn steel cuffs
The wind blows stronger and colder each day
And people have got nothing to say
People looking so sad, looking so grim
I don't wanna stop, I wanna to scream,
That you are not bad, you are not sad,
You're just, you're just, you're just dead!

Leafs falling down,
Rain cover your face,
Summer gives her crown
To the autumn in dance

People may be I'm wrong?
I want to be wrong.
May be I just see worst
In a world of good?
I don't wanna die
In a cold hearted world
I wanna believe, believe in a good!

Leafs falling down,
Rain cover your face,
Summer gives her crown
To the autumn in dance