Sense of Impending Doom

Твоя Шизофрения
It was a feeling of impending doom.
I was absorbed by a gloom.
The autumn sun was sickly pale.
And I pretended to inhale...
Before my fall into long sleep
I listen to the silent weep
Of tired old and mossy trees.
Here, at my knees
Dozing midges like poppy seeds.
Blueberry dusk kissed my lips.
My eyes became black as night,
The darkness entrenched inside.
Rustle speaks the language of despair.
I would like to take his share...
And I'd like to feel the pain
But I've been mesmerized by the rain.
And now the foliage color faded.
Tree branches emaciated
to the bone.
I felt my heart turned to stone.
It was a feeling ... No! I lied -
I know it now - the day before - I died.