
Дмитрий Красюков
P selfie (P is for poetic of course)

I am the one who’s stuck
Between my dreams/ Haribdisizing Scylla
Of everyday amusty muck.
Between a fairy girl and neighbouring Priscilla,
Between a grain of Fortune
And common stuffy, stinky lack of luck.
It’s painful – real torture -
Its’ all the dirty tricks of buridaning Puck!
And everything that drops
 Into my stupid blond head/ greenish eyes
My reason rhymes,
My burning, eager heart denies.

Пи селфи (Пи – в поэтическом смысле!)

Зеленоглазый мальчик
пятидесяти лет.
Мечтатель и растяпа,
садовник и поэт.