The Ruler s Way

I'm deciding the fate of the world
Yeah, I know how it sounds for you
But all troubles that were foretold
Thanks to me, they'll never come true

Yes, I allow all the plagues and the wars
I'm not cruel, those are things I Must do
If I let only good fill the polls
Universe will collapse on one-two

Balance.. Just how much pain behind it!
I let one live, yet second will die
You said both can be saved? It's bullshit!
Don't you tell Me what You think is right!

Your fate, pitiful man, is not yours
It's just me, only I shall decide
I shall see when dawn finally falls
And death will reach out for your life

Am threatening you? Yes I am!
I don't care if my way is too brute
I'm ruling, so I'll show to men
That my will is no doubts absolute.
