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Юрий Слободенюк
The prosecution should never rest   ... "
Thomas Torquemada

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I rest my case
Also found in: Acronyms.

I rest my case.
1. Lit. I have completed the presentation of my argument. (Said by a lawyer.) Clearly the defendant is guilty. I rest my case.

2. Fig. What you just heard sums up my point of view. Your remark just supported my position! I rest my case.

See also: case, my, rest

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

I rest my case.

something that you say when someone says or does something that proves the truth of something you have just said 'It's time Nigel left home, or he'll never learn to be independent.' 'He doesn't even know how to boil an egg.' 'I rest my case.'

See also: case, my, rest

Cambridge Idioms Dictionary, 2nd ed. Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2006. Reproduced with permission.

I rest my case
you have proved that what I just said is true Ned's mother said he needs to leave home or he'll never be independent. His sister said, “But he can't even do his wash!” and his mother replied, “I rest my case.”

See also: case, my, rest

Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2003. Reproduced with permission