The Nature of the Beast

Елена Навигаторша Килгасте
Black bats with shiny leather wings
See everything at night…
I wish I were like those lucky things
To find you and hold you tight.

They say dolphins rescue surfers
Who are just about to drown.
I wish I could push you to the surface
When you're feeling down.

They say chameleons change color.
Well, I wish I could do that too!
So you could hold me when you're sad
And watch my skin turn blue.

I hear that squirrels hoard some nuts
To last through winter days.
I'd like to snatch you just like that
And put you in a secret place.

They say that crocodiles eat rocks
To help digest their prey.
Love hurts so much I'd put rocks in my heart
To digest YOU the same way.

And when I wake up to a knock,
A police car by the curb,
I'll tell them: "He dumped me. And went somewhere warm."
Then I'll shed a tear...and burp.