Don t open up your heart to others...

Кнарик Арутюнян
Don't open up your heart to others,
Do not let the people in.
You can go and ask your mother,
They will tear you from within.

To trusting easily I want to say,
Be careful, dear, and extremely cautious,
For many of us only like to play,
It's so disgusting, sick, and nauseous.

The truth is, real friendships are so rare,
I will not even mention strong emotions.
It's superficial, no one genuinely cares,
I'm sorry but the heart is not in motion.

They take an interest in your problems?
Don't be deceived by this, I plead!
Their love is fleeting, it's a moment,
It does not last, and so you'll bleed...

You see, the second your opinions differ
They do not want you anymore.
It's devastating, it's so bitter...
Why do you act this way? What for?

No, they won't cross for you the oceans,
Not even puddles will they straddle!
My friend, wake up, there's no devotion!
And you thought they would go to battle?

There's no going deep into the waters,
We aren't divers anymore!
Today the world is full of surfers,
You think it matters if they call you "bro"?

Vulnerability is not an option,
Oh yes, we gotta be cool to our bones.
I value not this, I detest such notion,
I want sincerity, not hearts of stone.

I want to speak to you as to myself
And hide no thing, conceal no thought,
Please be with me completely honest,
Don't be a hypocrite, a fraud!

But well, my monologue's in vain,
You will not even come and see me.
Your feeling's an illusion, feigned,
It's shallow, frivolous and seeming.

There aren't many real things in life,
But we are caught up in ourselves,
Hence, we're unknowingly deprived
From what has value and essence.