Another Story

Один День Из Жизни
Another Story
Alexandr Smetanin
Here he is at home.
But work is on his mind.
Children are all over the place doodling right on the wall.
He does not want to scold them. He once himself was a madcap in ragged pants.
He smiles and asks them:
- Where did you play? Up on the roof? In the space? Universe?
- Listen, Dad, they were aliens with lasers.
- We were fighting for sweets!
- Quick, wash your hands and come to the table!
- We are having afish sword for dinner!
- No, Dad, we would rather have meatballs, pancakes with sour cream or syrup!
- Let Tim have the fish as much as he wants.
- How was your math class today?
- Well, Dad, we are scientists ourselves! We are OK!
- One day we will show the world who we are...
- And there are no teachers in the space, right?
- The school books have been washed by the meteorite shower!
- Then they were robbed by tribal chief power!
- Actually we did not mind it at all.
- Our lasers were dead and we were quick to flee!
- You won't believe we saw a bear!
- The earthlings landed on the planet there!
- The adults don't believe in miracles, in magic.
- However they behave outrageous!;;

- Hmm.....
- I am upset now, this naughtiness won't be excused...
- Dad, we won't tell anybody!
- Ask the Behavior, will you?

;;;This is how the day came to the end.
Just a shadow of a portrait was seen.
Grandchildren are sound asleep with “madcaps”.
Our Daddy was the best, please forgive us - we are just like you...