Will adding soon

Глаголит Руслан Сафиуллин
-Olya...the human perfection:
One time saw- how before was totally blind.
Olya is ready for action,
Not to be your phrase "mine".

Olya, please let me be some annoyng:
That is need to protect.
With your beauty I'm falling,
With your honest- strongly possessed.

Olya... her neck with gold chain.
Olya- her foot with birth mark.
Olya- target, the main.
Olya- left in the dark.

My favourite gold toy- Olya...
She have cosmic hair,
In her syringe- boil:
How her first drugdealer dare!

Now she always in ill:
No one thing can pretend!
For rehab paid a bill.
Cigarettes blend.

Olya, your face like a moon shine:
For me (as muslim) that's precious cost,
On this server I'm host. Ending. Final.