Extremely hot

Глаголит Руслан Сафиуллин
-I have possession: enter pussy. Only in Olya- finish deal
But this her virus in a bloodstream...
So lethal- plan not real.
In head for long will save a moment:
Deep purple twat, breath going down.
My boner so erect&stoned and after looking pants around.

There was cold windy winter.
From Olya left her boyfriend Rusya:
He sat to the jail for infected her pussy.
Now filthy times dropped to our woman.
She chewing bitter untasty tobacco.
In childhood she practiced a grammar- today selling own person to trucker.

It's better to be simple Olga:
Smoke a cigarette's, injecting a dirt.
For her never ask for dance rock'n'rolling.
Her husband in no part isn't lord.
It's better to be no one- you even aren't white color swan
Which may be putting in the oven and then no way from it run.

I will visit your grave on those hill adandoned,
This coffin is save and mobile here not phoning.
Now I see you love rap, like when your person fucking deep hardly.
When scumbag pick up you in pub, won your precious in marked card gamble.