still in love

Фернандо Тобиас Македо
what do u wanna hear?
i'm tearing myself apart.
u shouldn't stand near
i'm eating my heart out.

what do u wanna know?
i've got nothing to say.
just let the cold wind blow
and i'll disappear one day.

what do u want from me?
to blink and forget it all?
i wanted to see u on ur knee
but i'm the one who crawl

what have you done to me?
what have you done to yourself?
suppose we should set it free
and put that book on the shelf.

this is more than i can deal with
i can't stand this pain inside.
to love and to be loved seems A myth.
something in me has just died.

it was 27th of March
just the usual pre-birthday day.
but under my own triumph arch
at one moment all turned grey.

the whole world's turned grey
and i've turned to shadow.
but know what? i want you to stay.
i've been in love with u

since that moment
on the meadow.