The cat named Mesmeriser

Мария Фил-Бор
The cat named Mesmeriser
Sat by the kitchen door
In gloomy expectation
Of breakfast served, no more…

He got up from his cosy bed
A few minutes before,
With bored expression on his face
And darkened eyes, no more…

His bed was shared by two servers
That made a fair score,
No hopping on it in the night
But purr a bit and snore…

But now quite pleased with Glamour mix
And licking up his lips
He jumped onto the settee back
To scratch a bit, no more…

Just being cautious he looked back
And glimpsed She-servant’s face
That looked at him with steady stare
Just warning of…, no more…

Politely he smiled at her
And walked on top, no rush,
In good mood as he was that time,
Nonchalantly, no more…