The Ballad of a Homeless Dog

Àñÿ Ôëè
No name, no food, no home
I was born to suffer.
Oh dude, I’m so alone
I want back to mother.

But no mother, no dad –
They were killed by a bad person.
Oh dude, I’m so sad,
Please, please, come closer.

Look at me, nice guy,
Life doesn’t spares me.
Time is coming, I die,
Can you dude, caress me?

But you’re leaving me now,
And the rain starts to cry.
My pain can’t calm down,
And the only question's “Why?”

Why am I so unhappy?
It’s a fate of a homeless dog.
I don’t really fake it.
Please open up your lock!

I’ll be killed by a hunger,
By disease or by a cold.
I’m an ordinary mongrel,
Which is no one wants to hold.

My purpose is to die.
I don’t hope to be noticed.
I can see my star shines,
And I don’t have any protest.

So I’m sure exactly –
I’ll be sent to a heaven
This time I will be happy
And finally meet my parents.