Memories about the Failed Romance

Õàíàí Âàðíè
The angels are dancing to a harpsichord’s tune.
The sky’s leering with the fierce pale mouth of moon.
The scary fairy-tales are floating in the air.
My dream about you has turned into a nightmare.

Another longed-for love I haven’t won.
I’m petrifying under this deadly sun.
Forgive me my deformities one by one –
Mother Nature forsook her ugly son.

The cold metal blade is my last relief.
The angels are furious with me – I leave!
The darkness devours me and I shan’t resist.
I’ll vanish in oblivion that’s thick like mist.

Mother Nature has forsaken her ugly son;
My defects are deadly sins that can’t be undone.
The claws of fear are touching the fading sun.
I've got no alternative but to run.