Even if you re trapped in hell...

Ирина Лерова
I'm moving down the slope,
time exists for me no more,
believe me that I hope
I'll  find you on seashore...
Although you've past away,
you're waiting for me there...
It's really so unfair
that here you couldn't stay.

I'm  searching everywhere,
where are you let me know...
Today I really swear
I'll turn into white snow
to share your tragic fate.

That awful mournful date...
I often wont to howl
though howling I just hate.

Still down and down the slope,
the wind will find me there;
right now I really hope
it'll lift me up from earth
and take me strait to you...
What if you're trapped in hell?
You're still my morning due,
my magic golden bell...