Price of moving

Progress is going, we do our best;
I am unknowing If we will rest.
Where is this point we are going to stop?
Will all this progress worth an eyedrop?
We may and we will control the world,
But will we be able to hold...
Our nature?..

So many questions were left for our minds,
But do all of them have the logical answer?..
Will they create just a million fights?
Will they be able to bring a disaster?..
We may and we will conquer the world
But thing, which for that will be sold...
Is priceless...

Should we resolve or should we give up
When nothing is wrong nor nothing is right?..
When we can not make any backup
In case this won't bring us any delight?..
How much it will change, the choice we will make?
And will it worth what it will take...
Or should we abandon it?