
Серафима Пронина
Right by the window,
Faking the smoke.
Faking the freedom-
I sleep while I walk.
Too many faces,
Chaos inside:
Running the races,
Trying to hide.
What became real?
Things that are gone:
Turning the wheel
Was terribly wrong.
I'd die if you told me
What you never said-
These words are not for me...
It's always "not yet".
How could I imagine
The sound of your voice?
That night was so fragile...
But I had no choice.
You made me remember,
You brought me to life:
When sun's made of amber
Is when I revive.
It all becomes clear
When you say my name.
I'll never be near-
The rule of the Game.
I never was perfect,
But you said I shine...
Those days- they were worth it
They'll always be mine.
"Goodbye" is a verdict:
It lives in the rhyme.