Э. Дикинсон. 1053. It was a quiet Way

Ольга Денисова 2
Спросил спокойно он,
Его ли я ждала –
Язык откликнуться не мог –
Глаза сказали да –

И он помчал меня
От смертных звуков прочь
Быстрее сотни колесниц
И дальше ста колес –

Земля летела вниз
Как тающий в глазах
Воздушный шар, чей след
В эфире угасал –

Залив пропал – и нов
Был вид материков –
Существовала вечность до,
Должна быть и потом –

Нет годовых времен,
Ни ночь, ни утро – меж –
Встал и не двигался восход,
Навек застыв – в заре –

It was a quiet Way -
He asked if I was His -
I made no answer of the Tongue,
But answer of the Eyes –

And then he bore me high
Before this mortal noise
With swiftness as of Chariots -
And distance - as of Wheels –

The World did drop away
As Counties - from the feet
Of Him that leaneth in Balloon -
Upon an Ether Street –

The Gulf behind - was not -
The Continents - were new -
Eternity - it was - before
Eternity was due -

No Seasons were - to us -
It was not Night - nor Noon -
For Sunrise - stopped upon the Place -
And fastened it - in Dawn -