Т. Кисс-Чёрный квадрат-Rus-to-Eng Юрий Лазирко

Татьяна Кисс
Татьяна Кисс - Чёрный квадрат - Rus-to-Eng
Юрий Лазирко

English Translation:

Kazimir Malevich. Black Square

An approaching road ministers over the field and forest…
A temple prays to you with stepping down from icons –
Sheaves of rays and cooing of the fire blood,
Ashes of oblivion and the bells of hopes’ split,
A hurricane of stone and stream of grain, doves of breath.
Here they gave way to you for Crucifixion and you ascended
On the Black Square of the nascent Universe.
A time spikelet is breathing in the beak of death.
For the secrecy – the Reality of wormwood and for the reality – the wormwoods of Secrecy.
Opening the Space-Time flit in the cornflower pollen
the Butterflies of Creation.