Ноктюрн Бабаджаняна перевод на английский язык

Екатерина Клишева
Nonexistence is between us -
And the universe,
Full of chords and verse,
Neither mine nor yours...

How are you, my sweet and tender?
Where are you lost?
I miss your vernal gloss
Unexplored at first...

If you wanna, if you can then
Do remember me,
Just remember me,
Please, remember me!
Accidently or at random
Once remember me!
My true love at any cost...

Our moments instant and eternal life..
Let our dreams fly
With clouds white and light!
So they should come to you and should amuse,
Because I'm really deep in love with you!

How are you, my sweet and tender?
Where are you lost?
I miss your vernal gloss
Unexplored at first...
I wish you: "Be happy, Darling! My love is and was-
Love without any cause!

Any time I'll come to help you
If you call to me,
Only call to me,
Boldly call to me!

Let my love to be around,
Caring us, I mean,
Linking us, I mean,
Hurting us, I mean...

Can you stay the same, my dear
Happy to admit
Lonely or with me,
If we ever meet...
That you'll be in any cases happy to  admit
Sun and joy of every day!

Our moments instant and eternal life..
Let our dreams fly
With clouds white and light!
So they should come to you and should amuse,
Because I'm really deep in love with you!

Перевод текста Р. Рождественского из произведения «Ноктюрн» А. Бабаджаняна
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