A small piece for Grace and Bob

Неттер Линг
Long time, no rhymes
Life is going nice
Back then I was rhyming stable
But these days seems like I'm not at all able
To put two words together
In artistic manner.
So that's perhaps the price
Grown up lives, anyway I'm still not wise
But I'm easily flashbacking times
When I could write some fine shit outta nothing.
Maybe life is just getting boring
Or it's all me, ignoring
I'm aging
I'm growing
New place, new job.
So hey to Grace and Bob.
I moved, not far, but seems like my little hometown reduced the size
My best girl messed up with some jerk again, what a prize
And we laughed our lungs out, cause it's such a paradise
To bring the douchebags down
I realized
I love this place, like an old family pic behind the glass
True love at one hundred and second glance.
Hey, give my rhymes a small chance
To be entertaining and lovely
But if it's boring
Leave 'em behind
And that'll be alright
I'm gonna be missing for long,
So let's both be gone