Ghost ship

Святослав Бойко

Ghost ship!,
Like darkness
In the distance of the sea
Where there is no life
And one is crazy
The crew, the world that is forgotten
And do not return people
On board who died a long time !!

After the chorus:

Spirits are evil !!
Sailing on a ship
Do not go aboard
To not find
True fear
What lived on that ship
For centuries, days, forever !!

2 after the chorus:

Ghost ship!,
What sails alone in the distance !!
And the waves give him a swim !!
Ghost ship!!,
Damn old world !!,
Ghost ship!!,
Damned old world!
Who wakes us up
And it will endlessly frighten us !!

1 couplet

Once sailing steam,
Normal sea
And a beautiful sky away,
What hides the heat of dreams
And then from the fog,
Sails ship
Long gone !!
And scary times !!
On that old ship !!

Chorus, 1 and 2 after the chorus.

2 couplet.

Sailing steam
With our people
And even now,
Exactly at one o'clock
Floating time with ghosts,
On board with showers
What is forever and anxious
Swim forever
By the water on the ship,
And waiting for peace
And the time of departure to the beautiful world
Dreams, and then one gloom,
On the Flying Dutchman's Ship !,
And he is the god of the ship !!
What shakes in the wind !!
From his powerful and scary words !!
What soul cry from the ship!

Chorus, 1 and 2 after the chorus.

3 couplet.

One wave drifts
It sparkles so beautifully in the distance,
Like the rest,
And it floats on them
Ship with the souls of people
Who are far away
See us in the eyes without end
As if we are heroes to save their souls,
That forever sailing on a ship
But alas, we can not help you,
And the ship is still without end,
Will swim cursed forward
And forever will exist
And scare! Mighty ghostly
Time Ship !! Where has evil been sown for a long time !!
The ghost ship will forever float and disappear !!
Again Away !! Ghost ship!!

3 times Chorus, 1 and 2 after the chorus.