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Îäèí èç íèõ, ñûí ïëîòíèêà, êàæèñü,
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êîòîðûé íåáó è çåìëå Òâîðåö,
÷òî ýòîò ìîëîäåö – Åãî Îòåö.

È ãîâîðèò, ÷òî ýòî ÿñíî âèäíî,
÷òî åñòü âñå óêàçàíèÿ è çíàêè
â êàêèõ-òî äëèííûõ íåïîíÿòíûõ ñâèòêàõ,
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äà è ïîòîì ïîâåðÿò ëþäè âðÿä ëè.

À ìû Åìó â îòâåò: óìåðü ñâîé ïûë!
è êòî-òî êî êðåñòó Åãî ïðèáèë,
÷òîá Îí íà ñâåæåì âîçäóõå îñòûë.

Íî ñ òîé ïîðû âñÿ æèçíü ïîøëà íå òàê:
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À Îí íà äðåâå, â õîëîäêå âèñèò,
êàê áóäòî çàöåëîâàí, òèõî ñïèò
è â äð¸ìå ñòûíåò, ìåðêíåò è âåòøàåò.
À ñâîäêà íîâîñòåé íàì âîçâåùàåò –
õîòÿ íå ñòîèò âåðèòü íîâîñòÿì –
÷òî ïî ìèðó óïîðíî áðîäÿò ñëóõè:
ïî ýòèì ñëóõàì Îí äàâíî íå â äóõå,
ëèøü òåëî ì¸ðòâîå îñòàëîñü òàì.
Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Sometime during eternity
                                                       some guys show up   
and one of them
                      who shows up real late
                                                       is a kind of carpenter   
      from some square-type place
                                              like Galilee
          and he starts wailing
                                          and claiming he is hip
            to who made heaven
                                       and earth
                                                      and that the cat
                   who really laid it on us
                                                 is his Dad

          And moreover
             he adds
                         It’s all writ down
                                              on some scroll-type parchments   
          which some henchmen
                  leave lying around the Dead Sea somewheres   
                a long time ago
                                       and which you won’t even find   
         for a coupla thousand years or so
                                                 or at least for
      nineteen hundred and fortyseven
                                                      of them
                            to be exact
                                             and even then
         nobody really believes them
                                                   or me
                                                            for that matter
          You’re hot
                         they tell him
          And they cool him

          They stretch him on the Tree to cool

                         And everybody after that
always making models   
                                          of this Tree
                                                          with Him hung up   
          and always crooning His name
                                     and calling Him to come down   
                                 and sit in
                                                 on their combo
                           as if he is the king cat
got to blow   
                      or they can’t quite make it

                      Only he don’t come down
                                                         from His Tree
          Him just hang there
                                       on His Tree
          looking real Petered out
                                          and real cool
                                                             and also
                   according to a roundup
                                                    of late world news   
             from the usual unreliable sources