Sometimes and always

Альбина Кумирова
Uphill and downhill,
life never is the same:
it never stays still,
as if it plays a game.

Some days are full of joys,
the others – full of sadness:
sometimes – deceptive ploys,
sometimes – a sheer madness.

We gain or we lose,
we stumble or we flow,
on roads rough or smooth,
with hopes high or low…

We lose sometimes friends,
when loyalty is frail.
With Jesus nothing ends, –
we’ll never know betrayal.

Yes, only in Christ
acceptance is unceasing,
the most highly priced
and never is decreasing.

Christ always is the same,
unchangeable, consistent.
To them, who love His name,
He’s there, never distant.

All things existing fade
compared to love excelling:
with blood and tears He paid
for your eternal dwelling.

The most faithful King
that ever had existed…
Love is the greatest thing…
Have you His love resisted?

Were you, indeed, so dim,
rejecting your salvation?
Or have you welcomed Him
and have a celebration?
