Thinking Out Loud OR TOL13

Âèêòîðèÿ Íàçûáèíà
Here comes the Boom –
feels like the Doom;
I open my heart
And give you some part…
(/U have there some part)

When doves cry?
Suppose, when? – Tonight!..
And even tonight
Can shine and be bright…

Look at the sky vault
And feel: it’s – your fault,
that you are so sad,
you feel the regret…

This sky is so blue –
It seems like for you;
So let in this light
that should burn inside;

Darling, spark your soul
to won’t be like a ghoul;
feel the sun’s rays on your skin,
be what you should’ve been!..

You know, you’re so young –
Do what you should’ve been done!
Don’t live your life alone
4ever-now, and just go on!..

You must go ahead,
until you are dead;
So start toward your fate (/So meet your great fate) –
Maybe you’ll have a date?..

And don’t be afraid –
You won’t be the saint,
So you may commit “sins”,
because the “devil” insists…
You may be mistaken:
It’s your choice – so take it!..

Only you are responsible for
all your wishes and your life before –
Don’t escape from reality
in/to the dream, that’s constantly!..

I advice you to live free –
So surrender all you feel;
You do every thing right –
Your stories, as you can, you write!..

You are satisfied,
But I saw you cried;
My darling, it’s over –
You are what you grew up…

So accept yourself –
u’re not out of your sane:
Accept yourself for who you are –
Don’t listen to their: “Bla-bla-bla!..”

The Value of each person –
is in her or his soul;
Cos’ of it – you are so special,
and for yourself, you are the Treasure…
22.02.19; 14:00-14:20.

Èëëþñòðàöèÿ àâòîðñêàÿ: 2015 ãîä.

/TOL13 = îñîáûé ñòèëü äàííîãî ñòèõîòâîðåíèÿ: êàê ìûñëè âñëóõ (à èõ - ðîâíî 13) – âîçìîæíû «ñáîè» â ðèôìîâêå è â ñìåùåíèè ðèòìà: ýòî ñïåöèàëüíî, ïîñêîëüêó ýòè ìûñëè âñëóõ âñå ðàçíûå, è íåñóò ñâîé îïðåäåë¸ííûé ñìûñë, ïîýòîìó èõ íåîáõîäèìî îòäåëèòü äðóã îò äðóãà, ÷òîáû ñóòü íå ñëèâàëàñü, âíèìàíèå ïåðåêëþ÷àëîñü, íî êîíöåïò îäèí, è îí ñîõðàíÿåòñÿ íà âñ¸ì ïðîòÿæåíèè ñòèõà.