Liliputin -2218

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It's okay to feed your own ego, but don't turn it into the feeding frenzy, Mr.Trump ... "
Bill Maher


What does it mean when someone says, "go feed your own ego?"

Make him or her feel important. Remember that you may be dealing with a person that has a huge ego. Every now and then you have to stroke that ego. Imagine that the person is walking around with a tattoo on his or her forehead that says, “make me feel important today.”

In most cases a sincere compliment can do the job. But some others may require a little stroking. By the way, everyone in this world craves one thing…the need to feel important. Some of us just go about it in different ways. By your making this person feel important, you have conquered the ego.

Feeding frenzy

In ecology, a feeding frenzy occurs when predators are overwhelmed by the amount of prey available. For example, a large school of fish can cause nearby sharks, such as the lemon shark, to enter into a feeding frenzy. This can cause the sharks to go wild, biting anything that moves, including each other or anything else within biting range. Another functional explanation for feeding frenzy is competition amongst predators. This term is most often used when referring to sharks or piranhas. It has also been used as a term within journalism.