Substance of Empathy

Евгения Саркисьянц
Write me a poem someone.
A poem that makes me feel you.
I am tired of understanding your arguments.
Arguments have no color.

Don't worry:
I speak the language of tears,
The language of misery,
The language of the inexpressible.
I will hear you.

Don't fear:
I won't judge you,
I won't ridicule,
I won't play insulted,
Nor will I preach.

Don't hold back:
I can take it all,
I am stronger than they are,
I do not calculate
The diameter of my embrace.

Don't suspect me:
I won't turn you in,
Here, take my number,
The number of the only true credit card.

I am not the enemy.
I am not your family.
I am not anybody.
I am a substance of empathy.
You can sleep on my shoulder
Tonight -

And if I wake up alone
I will pray for you.