Rat Race

(Song lyrics)

1. Riffraff of the realm of rags,
Racing to the feed racks,
They don't feel a strain of reins -
Race of the rats.

Greedily seizing,
Еach other squeezing,
Losing their human face
Crowds of people
In frantic ripple
Rampantly hope to win a rat race.

2. Rough-and-tumble on the ring...
Random luck and disgrace...
Who's the guy that now the king
Driving a race?

Fatally choking,
Incense reek smoking,
Losing in any case
Each of half-human -
Both man and woman -
Hopelessly tries to win a rat race.
Слушать песню: https://youtu.be/Vu0XF1UnGV0