Climbing to reach the costly Hearts by Emily Dicki

Эмили Дикинсон -Сергей Ёлтышев
К выси тянясь дорогих сердец,
ценность которым дал,
разбил их, и наказанья боясь,
прочь с Земли убежал...

(Эмили - на смерть ребёнка.)
[David Preest:
This poem was also sent as a whole note (L870) to Sue
in the days after Gilbert’s death. Emily says that
Gilbert was growing to be as big as the hearts which
were precious to him. Paradoxically it was Gilbert who
had given to these hearts their preciousness. But,
fearing punishment for not being good enough, he broke those
hearts by running away ‘from Earth.’ Five months later
Emily sent an amended version (L893) of the poem to
Thomas Higginson’s three-year-old daughter Margaret,
on the anniversary of the death of her infant sister
Louisa. This version, arranged as prose, reads
‘In memory of your Little Sister Who ‘meddled’
with the costly hearts to which she gave the worth
and broke them – fearing punishment,
she ran away from Earth.’]

Climbing to reach the costly Hearts by Emily Dickinson

Climbing to reach the costly Hearts 
To which he gave the worth,         
He broke them, fearing punishment   
He ran away from Earth --